Compassion and Grace
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When things are unknown and uncertain for most of us it feels scary and uncomfortable. The year 2020 has felt like that. During the past year, many find themselves in situations that are different from the past.

I wanted to continue to try to cultivate joy and thankfulness even in the space of the unknown and change. How do I do this I thought to myself?  I came across a quote from Pema Chodron and she states “Compassion is more challenging than loving kindness because it involves the willingness to feel pain. It definitely requires the training of a warrior.”

To lean towards our fear and pain and allow it to soften us whether it’s the sadness that comes in the changes we are currently experiencing or the boundaries we are setting; to cultivate compassion not only for others but also for ourselves.

 I realized that cultivating compassion and having grace around things that are different even though painful and sad are what would help me continue to cultivate thankfulness and joy.  I wanted to share a meditation that would help in cultivating compassion.

 Cultivating Compassion Through Meditation

  1. Start by getting into a comfortable position.

  2. Recall or think about a challenging thing that may be causing some hurt or distress.

  3. Close your eyes and bring the situation to your mind and feel and notice what comes up for you even if it is uncomfortable. You can even verbalize or identify it “This hurts, I am in pain or this makes me sad, etc.”

  4. Recognize that stress and struggle and experiences of pain and suffering are part of life that connects you to humanity but doesn’t have to overwhelm you.

  5. You are not alone and that we all struggle and it doesn’t mean you are bad or not good enough or being punished.

  6. Now put your hands over your heart, focus on your breathing and just notice your body if there is any tension start to release them through your breathing. Ask yourself what it is you need to hear or give yourself kindness.  It may be “May I be kind to myself, May I be patient, May I forgive myself, May I give myself compassion and kindness, May I accept myself as I am in this moment. Choose an affirmation that resonates and will help you with what situation you have imagined.

  7. Then I would like for you to Imagine a warm light generating from your hands towards your heart, allow that light to spread from your heart to all over your body. This is you sending healing love and compassion towards yourself bringing calm and warmth.

OC-CAMFT'S 3000 CLUB with GGOC Directors

OC-CAMFT'S 3000 CLUB with GGOC Directors

Listening and Learning

Listening and Learning