Self-Care 101
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Helloooo Spring! I’ve been waiting all year long for it to start warming up so I can put the jackets and sweaters away and bring out the shorts! I think one of the things I look forward to most in Spring is being able to do more outdoor activities. As a therapist, it is important for me to “practice what I preach!” And for me that means self-care! One of my self-care hobbies is working out. I am no expert but you have to start somewhere right?! Even if I don’t have time to do much, I still make sure I’m getting outside and feeling the warmth of the sun on my face!

What are some positive activities you all do for self-care?

In order for us to answer that question we must know what it is first. According to the dictionary self-care is an activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. Self-care is something we should be focusing on ALL year round but springtime does make it easier. Whether your self-care is taking a walk, doing yoga in the park, or even reading a good book the time is YOURS! I think we often share ourselves with others so much we can forget how important it is to have “me time” moments for yourself to gather your thoughts and unwind.  Do something old or try something new!

“Self-care is how you take your power back.”

Below is a list of ideas to get you started focusing on self-care!

Some self-care ideas for the growers:

  1. Create a playlist with upbeat music

  2. Take regular walks around your neighborhoods

  3. Take a nice bubble bath

  4. Go on a small trip

  5. Try out a new yoga routine

  6. Buy new workout clothes to motivate you to work out

  7. Work out in the yard-plant something and watch it bloom

  8. Clean your house

  9. Get back into past hobbies (drawing, painting, photography)

  10. Bake a new dessert

  11. Go on a hike

A Letter From Ryan

I am a bilingual (English & Vietnamese) Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist at Gather and Grow OC. I have been working with nonprofit agencies in Orange County and Los Angeles County for the past 10 years. I was introduced to the field of Psychology in a class I took in high school, continued my education at Cal State Long Beach where I obtained my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and completed my Masters in Counseling at the University of Phoenix.

While at Cal State Long Beach I continued to engage in the community by providing mental health awareness and for the past 4 years have worked as a therapist providing mental health services to underserved populations from different age groups. I am trained in Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) and Managing and Adapting Practice (MAP). I also run different therapeutic groups around parenting, grief and social skills.

I wholeheartedly believe in the importance of self-care and mental wellness! At Gather and Grow OC I am able to help clients check their stress and worries at the door and facilitate them towards a journey of self-discovery.  In a world where we can so easily lose our way, we must make being good to ourselves a priority so that we can get better! As a therapist at Gather and Grow OC I will help you manage life stressors, find your inner peace of mind, and guide you in this journey we call life!

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