Fear and Acceptance in the Age of COVID-19

Fear and Acceptance in the Age of COVID-19

by mindy derseweh.png

There is so much anxiety and fear around what is happening in the world around us at this time. Fear of our households being affected, fear of contamination, fear of what is going to happen or for how long this will continue, fear of how this will impact us and our loved ones. I want to encourage you at this time to find peace, peace in the unknown, peace in what is, peace in what you can control and what you can not, peace from within. Feeling fear and anxiety at this time is a normal feeling and acknowledging it is important, but finding the difference between acknowledgment and letting yourself submerge in the fear is key right now. Here are a few steps to guide you with this.  


  1. Recognize your fear

  2. Acknowledge your fear

  3. Recognize what you can and can not control

  4. Release the fear of what you can not control 

  5. Ask yourself, "What is the lesson? What is this teaching me?"

  6. Allow the lesson to come with love

  7. Gratitude for the lesson, and for what you do have

  8. Surrender to the experience without judgment

  9. Accept what is and find peace in it

What we think we create, if we continue to choose fear, this will only add more fear and negative energy in the world and ourselves. What we need most is thoughts of faith, healing, and positive energy. Finding acceptance is essential right now for us to heal. The universe is asking us to shift, to change, to honor our soul's path. It's asking us to rise as a whole. We have chosen not to listen for a long time, and now we are being pushed to hear what is in the best interest for all meaning universally, for mother nature, for our families, for our communities, for ourselves, we are being asked to rise. 

I hear you, it is definitely a scary time for us all and many have been impacted and are mourning. My love and blessings go out to you all and I will continue to send my love and blessings to you all while we heal. This is happening to teach us. Let's take this fear and transmute it to light, to trust, to healing. Let's accept what is and connect within ourselves, within our communities, let's hear our truth, and our lessons from this. Let's release this fear and surrender to the lesson. 

Tune into yourself: what have you been ignoring for years that you know you need to shift, what as a community needs to transform, what socially needs to change, what in our work environment needs a new path, what on our planet needs to shift, or in our country? Let's dig deep within and find these answers and learn. The universe has a far better plan for us than we can ever imagine, let's let this in, let's allow. 

We are all here in this together, you are not alone, believe in the light at the end of all this. Place your energy toward this. Find acceptance by releasing your fear and diving within. I understand this may be difficult and it may even be a new way of thinking for some of you, don't be hard on yourself if moving into acceptance and trust doesn't magically change for you overnight. It's a process, allow yourself to move through this without judgment. 

I am here for you as well as everyone in the Gather and Grow OC Team. Reach out for support. I also have a space for you to utilize tools to assist in this. For tools on how to release your emotions, watch Mindy's self-love teaching videos on Gather and Grow Youtube channel. Remember you are not alone. We will get through this together.  

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