
Hello Dear Community!

Welcome to 2024! We hope that your holiday season was peaceful and rejuvenating or you got to practice some of your best boundary-setting and self-care strategies! We definitely had a season full of all of the above!

We know that the New Year can inspire (or instigate) lots of new self-project energy! And while we love a good intention setting or manifestation activity over here at Gather & Grow headquarters we also want to advocate for some gentleness and simplicity.

Pick a word or energy for the year ahead, ours is “Sustain.”

SUSTAIN [ suh-steyn ]

verb (used with object) \ DICTIONARY.COM

to support, hold, or bear up from below; bear the weight of, as a bear (a burden, charge, etc.).

For us, this means pouring into the foundations of this community we’ve built and are so grateful to be a part of! In all of our actions, we’re asking, “Is this in service of sustaining this literal and energetic space?” April will mark Gather & Grow’s 5th Anniversary! As we cross this symbolic barrier out of our ‘Startup Era’ we’re embracing the new weight of our roots as we look forward to our second half decade!

Identifying a central lens of guidance has always been part of how we practice mindful discernment here at Gather & Grow and was at the core of how we stayed grounded as we celebrated our 1st year of business alongside full shelter in place. It’s a simple and powerful practice, and as we closed up 2023 we realized it was one we wanted to return to more intentionally.

You don’t always need a ‘lifestyle change’, a fancy gym membership, or a new year resolution, sometimes you just need to take a deep breath, turn inwards, and pull from the tools you’ve already worked so hard for and that you know work for you!

Wishing you the best 2024 ever! We know that it will be full of ______________ (your word here)! And we’re excited to continue to share offerings to (and from) our community to support this process!

With intention,

Team Gather & Grow

Need help finding your focus? Visit our team page HERE!

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