Transgender Day of Remembrance

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Tomorrow is TDoR (Trans Day of Remembrance), an annual observance to honor trans individuals who lost their lives due to anti-trans violence. It is the last day of Trans Awareness Week, which is used to highlight issues impacting the trans community and what we can do to help.

I feel conflicted about this day - perhaps because there is still so little representation of trans joy in mainstream media and trans individuals already face more harassment and discrimination than their non-trans counterparts. I want there to be diverse, nuanced representation of trans stories in media, but the difficult reality is that 2021 represents the deadliest year so far for trans and non-binary individuals.

Vigils will be held across the country tomorrow for TDoR, which was originally created in 1999 by activist Gwendolyn Ann Smith as a way to honor Rita Hester, a trans woman who was murdered. GLAAD has put together a helpful resource page for TDoR. Please take a look as you pause to remember those we lost this past year due to hate crimes.

We here at Gather & Grow OC are an LGBTQIA+ affirming therapy practice. We believe it is a privilege and honor to create safe space for our trans, non-binary, and gender-expansive clients navigating their own journeys.

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